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Canada’s Ambassador for Women, Peace and Security
(WPS) and an Architecture of Peace

When: Oct. 2, 2019 7 PMWhere: James Bay Library, 385 Menzies St., VictoriaCitizen’s Consultation on the mandate of Canada’s new Ambassador on Women, Peace and Security.
Canada’s newest Ambassador is a step toward peace infrastructure in the government of Canada. While short of a full Department of Peace, it is a step toward one.
Specifically the mandate of this special Ambassador is an expansion of Canada’s mobilization of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.
The new Ambassador has welcomed public input on her mandate.
We have framed the following questions to help guide discussion.
- Canada’s action plan for WPS 2017-2022 calls for increasing the recruitment of women into the armed forces for deployment abroad. Should the Special Ambassador on Women, Peace and Security encourage further inclusion of women in the armed forces?
- UNSC 1325 calls for ‘increased representation of women at all decision-making levels…in the prevention, management, and resolution of conflict.’ How should the Special Ambassador on Women, Peace and Security pursue this element of Women, Peace and Security?
- Much of Canada’s action plan focuses on women as victims in armed conflict, and programmes to deal with sexualized violence. What proportion of the Special Ambassador on Women, Peace and Security should be devoted to this, and how should it be approached?
A summary report of this discussion will be sent in to Ottawa to form a part of feedback on the Ambassador’s proposed mandate in a few weeks time.
This citizen’s consultation is a collaboration between World Beyond War, the Canadian Peace Initiative and Nonviolence International Canada Local Chapters.